第五章 狭义相对论 |
(Special Relativity) |
相对论由爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)创立。1905年,26岁的爱因斯坦,发表了《论运动物体的电动力学》这 | |
篇划时代的论文,向世人宣告:狭义相对论诞生了! | ![]() |
相对论包括两大部分: | |
v狭义相对论(special relativity)(1905): | |
揭示了时间、空间与运动的关系。 | |
v广义相对论(general relativity)(1915-1916): | |
揭示了时间、空间与引力的关系。 |
本章的重点是狭义相对论的时空观。 | (图一) 爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein) |
Albert Einstein: Life | |
Born in Ulm, Germany, 1879 | |
Student at ETH Zurich, 1886-1900 | |
Patent Clerk in Berne, Switzerland, 1902-09 | |
Professor of Physics in Zurich, Prague and Berlin, 1909-33 | |
Emigrated to United States, 1933 | |
Died in Princeton, New Jersey, 1955 | |
Four papers in Annalen der Physik (1905) | |
vPhotoelectric effect | |
vBrownian motion | |
vSpecial Theory of Relativity | |
vEquivalence of Mass and Energy | |
Papers on General Theory of Relativity | |
vPrinciple of Equivalence (1907) | |
vDeflection of starlight by the Sun (1911) | |
Gravitational deflection of starlight observed (1919) | |
Work on Unified Field Theory (1922) | |
Awarded Nobel Prize for Photoelectric Effect (1922) | |